What....What....Is It Time YET? We Must NOT be Late!!!!!
The Crazy Cheshire Cat says with his impish grin...Its Time!
The Caterpillar ponders becoming a butterfly, as he grins and states.... Its Time!
Let me grab my top Hat, I am ready said the Pink Flamingo....... Its Time!
The Red Queen in her loud bursting voice cries out in a command..... Its Time!
But is it , I say?
Where is the White Rabbit???
Ohhh there he is! HE is thinking of this very special Day Hip Hooray!. He announces....It is TIME for the Mad Tea Party!!!
All is well and Alice is joined by the White Rabbit. Lets begin this party with great joy, come and celebrate the 5th Year of Vanessa Valencia's 2012 Mad Tea Party!!!
Blow the horns and pour some tea and lets gather and enjoy some very special treats!
Alice greets the White Rabbit and March Hare ( OK so just go with it!)
The Red Queen interrupts the party to have Alice paint the white roses red for the party! Oh Really!
Look how lovely the table is, set for all to enjoy this Grand celebration!
Cheers to All who joined in on the fun today! Thank you for hosting this Mad Tea, Miss Vanessa! We had a Most Fanciful Time!!! <3<3<3