Monday, December 31, 2012

Counting My Blessings<3

Just wanted to post once more and say I am BLESSED!Thankful I am, to have Family and Friends like YOU in my life's Journey! <3
Hopeful for what awaits us in 2013!  

Let's get this PARTY started!
Happy New Year!!!

PS. Hopeful that I WILL Challenge MYSELF to post more often in this New Year!!!  YIKES,  and  yes,  I do have a few other challenges in mind . How about YOU?!?!?! ; )

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye to December 2012!!!
 Thinking about many things that this year GAVE us and TOOK away.....
 At CHRISTMAS EVE'S sermon words were spoken and the ONE that resonated was HOPE!

Can you HEAR the word as YOU say it,  H O  P  E.....

Let the words ring in the New Year!

FEEL the message it brings to your HEART!

Happy 2013 <3  Kelly

Friday, November 16, 2012

Monday is gone,  but the memories remain!!!
Yikes, planned on posting ALL week and now its FRIDAY!
 I had a great time at the Botanical Gardens with my crazy crew and the perfect weather!
Ahhh, these are the moments!!!!

Also enjoyed the monarch exhibit!

Sooo,  lastly, just wanted to share my table that I set for Thanksgiving, along with this metal deer I found at Marshals Home Goods for Christmas. He looks good a bit early, don't you think?  I couldn't resist him!  Should I take the tags off and keep him? Please say YESSSSS!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Trying to be a more Thankful person in this month of Thanksgiving!!!
Keeping  my Heart open to this changing world.
Forgiveness may be required. 
Blessings are for All who are ready to Accept them!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


The 5th Annual Halloween Party Hosted by Miss Vanessa Valencia at A Fanciful Twist


While Miss Tricky was dreaming of Halloween ghouls.........Zzzzzzz

She peeked to hear some chatter in the next room.

The Halloween Spirit was making his rounds to stir up some FUN!

WHoooo wants to party?

I've got my eye on everyone!

I think I will hide!

Some guests are VERY hungry. Oh Dear!

 Come dine with Jack!

Sooo many tempting treats to enjoy!!!!

Now even outside, the party continues On and On!

No worries or fear, if you are tired you might just stay here!

Well, Goodnight to ALL. Sure hopeful this was a FUN 2012 Halloween Year!
Now continue to Fly to visit many more Friends THANKS to our Sweet Hostess Miss Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist! <3

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hope everything is FALLING into place for you!
AZ has had the nicest week ever! The cooler weather in the morning and evening makes up for the warmer in between parts. The DAYS are liveable again!
My HALLOWEEN spirits are rising!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Whoooo is having the Best Halloween Party ever?
Whooo  indeed! A Fanciful Twist with our hostess Vanessa Valencia!
Come join the party and her guests,  for Vanessa's 5th annual Halloween Party on October 27th!
Wicked Mayhem is whats in store! So grab your hat , broomstick and your glitter and don't forget the black cat! Lets Fly!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yes I DiD!
 I got the picture before the photo opp FLEW by!
Amazed and Ssooo excited I grabbed my Cam and corralled the pooches!
I focused and clicked like time would not stand still and it didn't.
That Big Beautiful BUTTERFLY had places to go and I was going to capture its brief visit.
I took as many shots as I could get and I have got to say YAY ME!!!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

 So,  September 1st crept in and its almost just another day in my mind in dealing with WANTS/NEEDS! This weekend was the same HOT weather but muggier this year, than in the past.
 Yesterday, I noticed in the stores,  signs of FALL,  that could be on our doorsteps NOW.
WELL,  this is ARIZONA SISTER and we won't feel signs of AUTUMN until after, October ends.
My mind has its WANTS/NEEDS........
WAITING is not in my game plan and I will just welcome in the IDEA that we are FALLIN into AUTUMN!
PUMPKIN/OWL are stopping in to stay and wait it out with me through this Balmy September!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

MaD HaTTeR TeA PaRtY!!!!!

What....What....Is It Time YET?  We Must NOT be Late!!!!!

The Crazy Cheshire Cat says with his impish grin...Its Time!


The Caterpillar ponders becoming a butterfly, as he grins and states....  Its Time!

Let me grab my top Hat,  I am ready said the Pink Flamingo....... Its Time!

The Red Queen in her loud bursting voice cries out in a command..... Its Time!

But is it , I say?
Where is the White Rabbit???

Ohhh there he is!  HE is thinking of this very special Day Hip Hooray!. He announces....It is TIME for the Mad Tea Party!!!

All is well and Alice is joined by the White Rabbit.  Lets begin this party with great joy, come and celebrate the 5th Year of Vanessa Valencia's 2012 Mad Tea Party!!!
Blow the horns and pour some tea and lets gather and enjoy some very special treats!

Alice greets the White Rabbit and March Hare ( OK so just go with it!)

The Red Queen interrupts the party to have Alice paint the white roses red for the party! Oh Really!

Look how lovely the table is,  set for all to enjoy this Grand celebration!

Cheers to All  who joined in on the fun today!  Thank you for hosting this Mad Tea, Miss Vanessa!  We had a Most Fanciful Time!!! <3<3<3

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Time for Tea?

 This 2012 my ChIcKs and I have accepted a gracious invitation to A Fanciful Twist Mad Tea Party!
We look forward to joining her guests, as this will be our first year attending.
Away, away, away we go following the rabbit down this mysterious hole to discover and share in this magical scheme and have a Mad Tea Party with cakes and sweet things. Hippty Hop we shall dance and sing, carrying on with our fabulous blings.  So come on, let's go to this magical affair to join Miss Vanessa her Mr. Mad Hatter to see who will be there! See you on July 28th!!!!!!!