Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hope is on the Horizon!

SPRING is unfolding.......
Welcome FRANCIS!!!

Buried deep within the soil a seed was planted with HOPE in mind!
 Will it BLOOM and yield the fruit that may feed our souls?
Pensive and prayerful, keeping the FAITH........
 Hope is on the Horizon! Hallelujah!!!!


  1. Precious KELLY

    WHAT A FANTASTIC BLOG! I love your name: FLUTTERING BY! What a great name for a sweet soul who loves to sprinkle joy.

    Thank you for commenting, but most of all, for having read my blog without me even knowing it!

    May God bless all the days of your come more often! I just love this blog name....Anita

  2. Indeed it is, my friend! Our thoughts are fixed on the same. :)
