Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Favorite Things

The Holidays..........
bring me a mix of  emotions!
How about "YOU"?

Thought I would share a few of my favorite things that I enjoy for Christmas.
First is my Christmas tree...... purchased a few years back!
I Love how it looks natural or decorated. This year I will need to have a few strands of lights fixed before I dress it up.

Next, is this Lovely light up town my husband purchased for one of my December Birthdays past!  It always makes me smile as ponder its twinkling winter scene.

Well then, I will pick a few more things that tug at my emotions and I will return to share them, if you would like to join me again perhaps? See "YOU" soon! ; )


  1. Sweet butterfly! HELLO THERE! You know, I am so emotional this year, and I can either attribute that to hormones (menopause!) or the fact that I'm getting wiser. To enjoy the season for what it is right in front of me, nature, people both lonely and busy with families, and the fact that all we have is EACH OTHER, has brought out more emotions in me than ever before. I am enjoying the lights in my home, the moments of quiet, and dear friends. Thank you dear one for coming to visit me. HAVE FUN! Anita

  2. Yay, I made it. Been trying to stop by since you mentioned new post. So many Christmas pretties, Kelly. I especially love the light up town in the last pic. Magical!
    Keep the goodies coming. You know I'll stop by for each.
    With the exception of a door wreath and a little tree I have on my art table with ornaments made by blogging friends, I did not unpack my Christmas decorations this year because with all the transition, I cannot bear it. My husband brought home a table top fresh tree which I decorated with starfish since our home has coastal decor, and the pink poinsettias you saw.
    I'm enjoying the decorations through my bloggy friends. Thanks for sharing.
